Brief description: Mocănița, consisting of six different historical steam locomotives, is one of Romania’s most important cultural and technical assets. These steam trains are among the last regularly operated forest railways in Europe and have been protected as Romanian cultural assets since 2010. A trip with Mocăniţa is perfect for exploring and enjoying one of the most beautiful areas in Maramureş, the Vaser Valley ( Water Valley).
County: Maramureș
Video: Mocanita
Images: red_frog | romania_ig | marius_oprescu
More Information – History
Mocănița, also known as the Valea Apei Railway, is a narrow-gauge railway that runs with steam locomotives on a 60-kilometer route through the most beautiful forests in Romania to the Eastern Carpathians. The word Mocăniță is a term of endearment and derives from the Romanian language “Mocan”, which translates as “shepherd” or “the one who lives in the mountains”. Mocăniță was built after the First World War to transport timber and has been used for this purpose ever since with its steam locomotives, being the last logging railway in Europe in regular operation. To the delight of many tourists, the railway is now also used for passenger transport and offers its travelers the most beautiful nature and pure nostalgia on the 20-kilometer section Upper Viseu de Sus (Oberwischau) – Paltin through the Vaser Valley.
The Vaserului Valley (Water Valley) formed by the Vaser River is a special place, full of untouched nature. The Vaser crosses the Maramureș Mountains forming spectacular gorges and breathtaking landscapes along the way. The starting point for exploration and excursions in the Vaser Valley is the town of Vișeu de Sus (Oberwischau), which is also the starting point for a trip to Mocănița. The railway line runs right along the river and offers passengers fantastic views of the Vaser Valley and its beauty.
In recent years, the railway line has been supported by various sponsors, new freight wagons have been purchased, the depot and the historic building of the Vișeu de Sus station have been restored, and important infrastructure has been created around the station. Besides Mocăniţa, the railway line is also used by more modern diesel locomotives, mainly for the wood industry.
Timetables and tariffs for 2022 (from Viseu de Sus)
- Period January 14 – March 30: Saturday and Sunday;
- Period 01 – 10 April: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday;
- Period April 14 – October 30: daily;
- Period 03 – 13 November: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday;
- Period November 28 – December 4: daily;
- Period 10 – 18 December: Saturday and Sunday;
- Easter trains: 23, 25 and 26 April;
- Trains for the winter holidays: December 26 – 31; 02 – 08 January 2023.
For trains in the periods mentioned above, except for holidays, the following fares apply:
Single ticket (only the round trip with Mocănița) at the price of:
– 84 lei / person, for adults;
– 74 lei / person, for students / pensioners / persons with disabilities;
– 56 lei / person, for students;
The Mocănița Special Package (contains a hot drink, a soft drink, a grill platter and a pastry) at the price of:
– 137 lei / person, for adults;
– 127 lei / person, for students / pensioners / persons with disabilities;
– 105 lei / person, for students.
For Easter and winter holidays trains, the following fares apply:
The standard package (contains a hot drink, a doughnut) at the price of:
– 110 lei / person, for adults;
– 100 lei / person, for students / pensioners / persons with disabilities;
– 90 lei / person, for students.
The All Inclusive package (contains a hot drink, a doughnut, a soft drink and a plate) at the price of:
– 144 lei / person, for adults;
– 134 lei / person, for students / pensioners / persons with disabilities;
– 109 lei / person, for students.
Preschoolers benefit from free transport, but they must also be mentioned in the number of people, so that everyone can have a place in the carriages.
During the holidays, advance booking is RECOMMENDED. Otherwise, there is a risk of not finding seats on the morning of the trip.
Tickets can be bought online from our website
We make phone reservations for groups larger than 15 paying people, by phone at 0372 672 480 or via E-Mail at, with the payment of an advance in advance.
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