Short description: Lake Ochiul Beiului is an unreal beautiful place that is part of the Cheile Nerei – Beusnita National Park, a reserve with abundant vegetation, silence, waterfalls and fresh air, a perfect place for a relaxing walk. The lake is a monument of nature where the water is so clean that you can admire the fish swimming.
County: Caraș-Severin
Images: red_frog | ochiu_bei
More details – History
It is the name of a lake with an unreal beautiful color, which is worth seeing whenever you get the chance. Summer or winter, it doesn’t matter, because the lake never freezes, for this reason the migratory birds stay here even through the winter.
Lake Ochiul Beiului was named so because its surface is oval and resembles an eye with a diameter of approximately 20 meters, the depth reaches 3.6 meters.
It is said that hundreds of years ago, the son of a well-known bei in the Levant fell in love with the daughter of a shepherd who used to walk his flock of sheep in the countryside. Then he kidnapped her and imprisoned her in the Great Tower of Cheile Nera, but the girl managed to escape during the night by descending on a rope woven from pieces of her own dress. The Bey then ordered that the face be killed.
The drunkard’s son was so sad and cried so much that this lake was formed from his tears, and the unreal turquoise color is due to the shade of his eyes. Later, the young man killed himself, and the eye-shaped lake was named Ochiul Beiului. The locals say that the girl would have turned into a river – the river Beusnita.
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