The castle in Zau de Câmpie was built on the model of a calendar. It has 365 windows according to the days, 4 towers according to the seasons, 52 rooms for the weeks of a year, 7 terraces for the days of a week and 12 corridors for the months of a year. The castle is characterized by an unfulfilled love story between the owner and a Russian princess.
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The owner of the castle, Count Istvan Ugron, the Austro-Hungarian ambassador to Russia, fell in love with one of the daughters of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II. However, he was unable to fulfill all of the princess’s expectations and demands (including opening the way to the castle with gold coins) and thus ceased to hold court.
Renovation of the castle is currently planned, so that it can be used for various purposes in the future.
Our UiR database: search results for „Zau de Campie”