The Letea Forest is located in Tulcea County, in the northeast of the Danube Delta, between the branches of the Chilia and Sulina rivers and covers an area of over 5,000 hectares. It is the northernmost subtropical forest in Europe and the oldest nature reserve in Romania. Parts of the forest have been under nature protection since 1930.
County: Tulcea
Images: red_frog | Vlad the Impaler – Dracula
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Historical documents show that the ancestors of today’s horse population came from the Tatars in the northern Danube Delta 300 to 400 years ago, where they made their home and became increasingly wild.
In the Letea forest there are 500 species of plants and over 3,000 species of animals, of which over 2,000 are insects. Stately trees, such as several hundred-year-old oaks, provide ideal living conditions for e.g. hoopoe, but also for wild cats and many other animals. White-tailed eagles, swallows, and tons of ducks and mallards are also native here.
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